Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Paging with displaytag

While upgrading a few things (struts, cewolf, etc) on an application we did last year I came across something odd in the implementation of displaytag. We had a custom "paging" solution implemented.

It's not a huge deal but I figured I could stand to be a little more familiar with displaytag anyway so I went ahead and made the changes to rely on more displaytag functionality.

The only thing that I'm really missing is a "display all" function. This I had to kind of hack in - of course, it's easy to "display all": just don't use paging. What I'm missing though is the ability to use paging, but also provide a link to disable/re-enable it. I ended up putting in a bit of a hack solution that I'm not unhappy with... but I'd certainly like to get rid of. Seems like there must be something like this built in that I'm missing?


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Rich Stephens said...

Did you ever figure this out? I am just now figuring out how to use the PaginatedList interface and turn on paging, and I need that same thing - a link to turn it off when needed.


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